Thursday, October 22, 2009

time, oh time, where have you gone?

Well, as you've probably noticed, I haven't posted anything of any consequence recently? Why? you're inner yearning to know about Sophia's life is asking. Because somehow this little thing called 'school', tied together with another little thing called homework (little, in this case, meaning huge of course) has entirely devoured all my free time. Eaten it all up. So I literally feel like screaming sometimes when I start dwelling on all the things I could be doing as I'm on the 2nd step of a 12 step algebra problem. I will admit, I'm easily distracted. There I'll be, sitting on my bedroom floor with my science book open, writing by the light of my closet (because it's the nearest thing to descent light I have in my room) and I'll just start singing, unconsciously trying to chase away horrific lack of music. Lack of music = my attempt at getting work done. But that never works, because I simply can't go without music...
So I'll start singing and I'll stop writing and before I know it I've sung through the entire 3 minute song and wasted all that time that I could have spent writing about why positive charges exist or some such nonsensical stuff....And right now is a great example of me being easily distracted...I just stared a scratch on my computer desk for about 2 minutes...

Back to the main subject: I have art class right after school on Mondays, piano right after school on Wednesdays, Kids Club right after school on Thursdays, and usually, though this isn't at all a bad thing, spur of the moment fun stuff after school on Friday. So...that leaves me with Tuesday. The only day I can just go home and drop my backpack on the floor and change into comfy clothes and pick up my guitar and try to pick up a sense of accomplishment when my fingertips start hardening up.

I love Tuesdays.

Second quarter is about to begin. One down, three to go...

Homework continues to rob me of any sort of happy life (that was a little exaggerated) I continue to cherish any sort of free time I get, and I practically sprint out the door every Friday.

I get to bed too late, and wake up too late, so I have to rush rush rush to get out the door on time. I haven't found any time to read - for pleasure, at least...plenty of time to read about the architectural motives of the Egyptians - in about 3 weeks. and that just makes me depressed.

October trudges on, along with my life...


me trying to get my time back.

1 comment:

  1. Aw sophia... I usally get my schoolwork ( :P)
    done WITH music on.i don't know it just helps.
    ALOT. though sometimes i listen to REALLY disracting songs like relient k and I really do not pay anttention to anything in my mathbook,ect. So i understand how thous feel.
    love you....:)


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