Friday, October 16, 2009

"I'll eat you up I love you so."

{just a side note: I'm really mad right now because it's almost 12:oo and I have to retype this whole thing because my internet just had to die on me and make my poor tired fingers and eyes suffer through this whole thing again. venting accomplished.}

I've watched Where the Wild Things Are.

And? and my older brother swerved into oncoming traffic, me screaming and clutching at our sugar supply of Symphony bars, m&m's and coca cola products. I don't really know what the hurry was..."We're 10 minutes early, AHHH!" but moving on. we got there, met up with the small group of rumpus approving friends, and then stole the good seats with the railing in front of them so we could put our feet up in luxury. so low and behold, after a long line of 7 minute trailers that leave everyone thinking, 'wait, what am I here to see again?' the rumpus began. I knew I liked it from the start. it was cute, then sad, then exciting, then cute, and so on and so forth. the really, really random humor and realistic situations acted out by big furry wild things made me laugh through most of it - plus I was sitting near Annie whose presence just adds hilariousness to absolutely anything. I liked it....but it was kind of weird. like, I'm sure all the little kids loved it 'cause, well, there's all these monsters throwing dirt at each other and smashing trees, so...but then you've got to teenagers and old people, and we're all sitting there with our heads in our hands, unconsciously trying to work out all the deep themes and inner meanings and symbolism... but that's okay! 'cause despite that little detail it was a great movie. ....even with all the insane amounts of deepness.


  1. "that was my favorite arm, carroll...."
    talk about random humor (ps its bella incase you forgot that wasnt my whole name....)

  2. Haha, I know, the humor was insane...but amusing :)
    and I didn't forget, I think you're the only Isabella that came to the movie with me, sooo...I just sort of assumed.


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